Climber-creeping with numerous, daisy-like, about 5 cm in diameter, red-orange flowers during many months each year. Full sunshine or half shade. Very fast growing. Easy. Messico. 14 cm pot   

Very rare clivia variety with bell-shaped and unusually lemon-yellow flowers. Very beautiful. Woodland species. Dry in Winter. South Africa. Half-hardy. 9x9 cm pot

Hybrid of Huernia thuretii characterized by stems up to 10 cm long, clusters, slightly tuberculous. Star-shaped flowers with a diameter of about 4 cm, strongly papillose; yellow initially tend to turn reddish as they age. Easy to grow and very floriferous. Well-drained soil and location in partial...

South American rhizomatous species. Leaves lanceolate, dark green in colour, slightly hairy. Flowers solitary, tubular, red outside and yellow inside. Corolla lobes very small and red. Easy to cultivate. Half shade or shade. Drained soil. Water abundantly in Summer. Reduce drastically the waterings...

This is a clumping species with erect, 5-angular stems 3-6.5 cm long. The flowers, in groups of 3, are bell-shaped, brown-pink in colour, with a fleshy tube. The corolla lobes are lighter and densely verrucose. Very beautiful because of the flower colour. Cutting  Rooted cutting 

Native species of Zimbabwe where it grows on granite rock outcrops. Angular stems of green-purplish color with well evident tubercles. Five-lobed, cream-white flowers strongly mottled with red, with a diameter of about 4 cm. Lobes slightly revolute. Easy to grow, it needs a well-drained soil,...

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Sansevieria parva clone 2 (Dracenaceae)

Very clumping species. Leaves not very succulent, transversally striped above. Flowers in spikes. Very well drained soil and half shade....

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Echidnopsis nubica (Apocynaceae)

~~Stems erect or creeping, branched at their base, about 20 cm in height and 1.5-2 cm in diameter, with a roundish section. Tubercles not...

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Aloe variegata (Aloaceae)

Aloaceae Stemless rosette. Leaves with a a very marked keel, usually arranged in three ranks, green-brownish, white-spotted,...

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Euphorbia graniticola (Euphorbiaceae)

Branched, ribbed, striped succulent. Big spines linked by a continuous woody shield. White ribs. Very beautiful. From Mozambique to...

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Sansevieria trifasciata clone 2 (Dracenaceae)

  Leaves wide and short (8 x 30-40 cm), strongly transversally striped with dark and light green. Easy and rarer in cultivation than its...

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Echidnopsis x hybrida VC3 (Apocynaceae)

~~This hybrid was obtained in our nursery between Echidnopsis cereiformis and Echidnopsis dammaniana. Stems erect, slightly tubercled....

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