~~Globose cactus being about 5 cm in diameter. Dark grey-green. Large tubercles with stout spines. Flowers white, about 6 cm in size. Easy. Half shade in Summer. Hardy if dry. Bare rooted 8 cm pot  

Rhizomatous bearded iris. Leaves glaucous, 20-30 × 1-4 cm, not deciduous. Inflorescences branched, just over 40 cm long. Flowers 2-4, scented, 8-12 cm in diameter. Tepals violet-blue, yellow-bearded. Balkans (Illyria). Very beautiful and drought-resistant. Drained soil. Hardy. Rhizome 14 cm...

The only stapeliad with true, fleshy and well developed leaves (caducous in the dry season). Stems creeping, cylindrical. Flowers star-shaped, with short lobes, dark red striped with yellow, hairy on the margin. North-western India (Poona and Maharashtra). Very rare and unusual. Half shade in...

~~Stems big, erect, velvety, square in section, with winged ribs, 3 cm wide and much higher than other Stapelieae. Flowers star-shaped, to 25 cm in diameter, yellow with thin purple stripes, with bristles. Easy. Fast growing. Keep in half shade in Summer. Species of southern Africa. Talea

Hybrid of Huernia thuretii characterized by stems up to 10 cm long, clusters, slightly tuberculous. Star-shaped flowers with a diameter of about 4 cm, strongly papillose; yellow initially tend to turn reddish as they age. Easy to grow and very floriferous. Well-drained soil and location in partial...

Hybrid of Huernia kennedyana obtained in our nursery. Flowers slightly bell-shaped, cream-white in colour with strong red concentrical stripes. Well drained soil and half-shaded exposure. Keep rather dry in winter and at temperatures over 5°C. Cutting Rooted cutting  

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Sansevieria parva clone 2 (Dracenaceae)

Very clumping species. Leaves not very succulent, transversally striped above. Flowers in spikes. Very well drained soil and half shade....

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Agave striata var. falcata Z66 (Asparagaceae)

~~ Unusual agave with leaves being basal, very narrow, semi-cylindrical, sickle-shaped, very stiff, pointed, glaucous. It forms a...

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Duvalia sulcata var. seminuda (Apocynaceae)

Rare species of Stapelieae with succulent, grey-green, purple-dotted stems with showy teeth. Little, star-shaped and very unusual flowers....

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Ruellia squarrosa (Acanthaceae)

Small bushy perennial species. Leaves ovate-lanceolate, slightly pubescent, green veined with red. Abundant flowering from Spring to...

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Echidnopsis x hybrida VC1 (Apocynaceae)

Hybrid of Echidnopsis cereiformis with erect stems and tubercles that are not very evident (stems are almost smooth). Flowers apical,...

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Dianthus plumarius (Dianthus lumnitzeri) (Caryophyllaceae)

~~Herbaceous perennial, up to 40 cm high, cushion-shaped. Leaves narrow, glaucous-green, pointed. Flowers large, scented, solitary. Petals...

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