~~Small globose-depressed cactus being ribbed and about 5 cm in diameter. Spines numerous, brown. Flower yellow with red stigma, about 5 cm in diameter. It clumps by short basal stolons. Half shade in Summer. Easy. Bare rooted Pot

This species is up to 40-80 cm high. Leaves lanceolate, up to 40 cm long, glaucous-green in colour. Flowers 2.5-3 cm in diameter, light yellow in colour, in long dense spikes. Origin: Argentina and Chile. Easy and perfectly hardy. 14 cm pot  

  Rhizomatous clumping species. Leaves sword-like, arranged in a fan. Flowers star-shaped, yellow, in dense scorpioid inflorescences. South American mountain prairies. Drained soil. Half shade. Hardy. Rare in cultivation. Rhizome 14 cm pot  

Strong creeping and clumping succulent. Stems massive, up to 4 cm in diameter, 4-angled. Flowers very beautiful, almost black, wrinkled, about 4 cm in diameter, incredibly stinking, with very mobile cilia, in numerous and compact groups. Very ornamental. Full sunshine but half shade in Summer....

Small stapeliad with numerous stems that are 8x2 cm in size, often tangled, usually square in section, toothed, green spotted with red. Flowers basal, solitary or in group. Corolla 3-4 cm in diameter, bell-shaped. Lobes widely triangular, densely papillose, whose colour is brown-green outside and...

Clumping succulent with stems being toothed and about 2 cm in diameter. Flowers star-shaped, 6-7 cm in diameter, with bell-shaped centre, white striped with red. Half shade in Summer. Cutting Rooted cutting 

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Huernia tanganyikensis x Huernia procumbens (Apocynaceae)

Stems rather creeping, with blunt ribs. Flowers star-shaped, about 3 cm in diameter. Lobes ivory with red spots.  Glossy, red, prominent...

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Apteranthes joannis Clone 1 (Apteranthes joannis) (Apocynaceae)

Stems erect or procumbent, branched, partly underground. Flowers 1.5-2 cm in diameter, cream-yellow spotted with dark red. Corolla lobes...

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Huernia schneideriana (Apocynaceae)

This species has nice bell-shaped flowers that are 3 cm in diameter, with a purple-black corolla tube, with a corolla that is brown outside...

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Sansevieria trifasciata ‘Moonshine’ (Dracenaceae)

Very beautiful plant with rhizome producing rosettes of tongue-like, succulent, fibrous and erect leaves, about 40 x 8 cm in size, in the...

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Huernia keniensis var. nairobensis x Huernia keniensis var. keniensis (Apocynaceae)

~~This plant has intermediate traits between the two varieties, particularly in the flowers. Stems prostrate, toothed, reddish-green....

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Adromischus cristatus Wildform (Crassulaceae)

Succulent, 10-15 cm high, compact, with stems covered with brown aerial roots. Leaves spatulate-flat, shiny-green, waved at apex. Flowers...

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