
Moraea sisyrinchium (Iridaceae)
Small bulbous native to the Mediterranean region. Linear, ribbon-like leaves, up to 50 cm long. Flowers similar to a small Iris,...

Ferraria crispa (Iridaceae)
Unusual South-african bulbous species (Cape Province) with underground corms. Flowers in Spring, carried on up to 1 m long inflorescences,...

Gladiolus dalenii (Iridaceae)
Plant producing corms and runners. Leaves distichous, sword-like and basal. Spikes of large, orange, yellow-centred flowers. It flowers in...

Iris foetidissima (Iridaceae)
Rhizomatous iris with branching flower stem. Flowers violet and yellow. Ornamental fruits that open in Winter showing scarlet seeds. Moist...

Iris ochroleuca (Iris orientalis) (Iridaceae)
Plant with an underground rhizome, over 1 m in height. Leaves sword-shaped. Flowers 4-6 cm in diameter, white sprayed with orange-yellow in...

Iris pallida ssp. illyrica (Iridaceae)
Rhizomatous bearded iris. Leaves glaucous, 20-30 × 1-4 cm, not deciduous. Inflorescences branched, just over 40 cm long. Flowers 2-4,...

Iris pseudacorus GCOR3 (Iridaceae)
Rhizomatous marsh plant with distichous sword-like leaves and large yellow flowers. Hardy. Europe and Asia. Very showy. Rhizome

Iris unguicularis (Iris stylosa) (Iridaceae)
Rhizomatous iris with narrow and glaucous leaves. Flowers lilac and yellow, in winter. Hardy. Easy. Algeria, Tunisia, western Syria,...

Sisyrinchium palmifolium (Iridaceae)
Rhizomatous clumping species. Leaves sword-like, arranged in a fan. Flowers star-shaped, yellow, in dense scorpioid inflorescences....

Sisyrinchium striatum (Iridaceae)
This species is up to 40-80 cm high. Leaves lanceolate, up to 40 cm long, glaucous-green in colour. Flowers 2.5-3 cm in diameter, light...

Freesia viridis (Iridaceae)
South-African species in the Iridaceae family with sward-like leaves that are arranged in a fan. Inflorescences erect or arched, bearing 10...

Aristea ecklonii (Iridaceae)
~~Rhizomatous evergreen species, up to 50 cm high. Leaves sword-like, 8-12 mm wide. Branched inflorescences on winged stems, bearing...

Tectiris tectorum (Iris tectorum) (Iridaceae)
~~This species belongs to the subgenus Evansia and is native to central and south-western China. Stout rhizome. Leaves thin, 30 x 2-2.5 cm...