Huernia maccoyi hybrid characterized by 5-6 cm long stems with very developed tubercles. Flowers about 2 cm in diameter, papillose, creamy-white with dark purple spots. Lobes at first stretched then reflexed. Easy to grow and very floriferous. It prefers well-drained soil and a semi-shady position....

Stems big, strong, erect, velvety, square in section, reddish-green, 3 cm wide and much higher than other Stapelieae. Flowers star-shaped, 36 cm in diameter, yellow with thin purple stripes, with bristles. Easy. Fast growing. Keep in half shade in Summer. Species of southern Africa. Record flowers...

Hybrid of Huernia thuretii characterized by stems up to 10 cm long, clusters, slightly tuberculous. Star-shaped flowers with a diameter of about 4 cm, strongly papillose; yellow initially tend to turn reddish as they age. Easy to grow and very floriferous. Well-drained soil and location in partial...

Stems grey-green, irregularly ribbed. This plant is compact, clumping, gnarled and slow growing. Flowers slightly campanulate, erect, greenish densely dotted with reddish-brown, about 12 mm in diameter. Rare. ONLY A FEW PLANTS LEFT!!! Single or slightly branched cutting  Little rooted...

The flowers of this variety have hairs on the margins only. Cutting  Rooted cutting  

South American rhizomatous species. Leaves lanceolate, dark green in colour, slightly hairy. Flowers solitary, tubular, red outside and yellow inside. Corolla lobes very small and red. Easy to cultivate. Half shade or shade. Drained soil. Water abundantly in Summer. Reduce drastically the waterings...

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Amaryllis belladonna (Amaryllidaceae)

Very beautiful and showy bulbous species from South Africa (Cape Province). Flowers bell-shaped, light pink, about 12 cm long, grouped in...

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Huernia x hybrida VC6 (Apocynaceae)

This hybrid was obtained in our nursery between Huernia stapelioides and Huernia hystrix. Stems strong, cylindrical-ovoid, branched,...

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Freesia viridis (Iridaceae)

South-African species in the Iridaceae family with sward-like leaves that are arranged in a fan. Inflorescences erect or arched, bearing 10...

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Rhodophiala bifida (Amaryllidaceae)

Very beautiful bulbous species with a Summer-Autumn flowering. Leaves linear, obtuse. Flowers in groups of 2-6, funnel-shaped, up to 5-7 cm...

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Orbea baldratii (Caralluma baldratii, Pachycymbium baldratii) (Apocynaceae)

Stems with long teeth, with purple dots and with underground stolons. Flowers star-shaped, with very narrow lobes, about 2.5 cm in size,...

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Echidnopsis x hybrida VC3 (Apocynaceae)

~~This hybrid was obtained in our nursery between Echidnopsis cereiformis and Echidnopsis dammaniana. Stems erect, slightly tubercled....

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