This species is up to 40-80 cm high. Leaves lanceolate, up to 40 cm long, glaucous-green in colour. Flowers 2.5-3 cm in diameter, light yellow in colour, in long dense spikes. Origin: Argentina and Chile. Easy and perfectly hardy. 14 cm pot  

~~Stapelia hybrid obtained in our nursery. Stems erect or procumbent, square in section, toothed and velvety. Flowers rather large (15-20 cm in diameter), wrinkled, purple-red in colour and covered with sparse purple hairs. Well drained soil. Keep warm and dry in winter. Excess humidity can cause...

Stems erect, strong and clumping, square or pentagonal in section, strongly tubercled. Flowers 2-2.5 cm in diameter, bell-shaped, dark red in color, finely papillose. Single or slightly branched cutting  Single or slightly branched rooted cutting 

Stems succulent, slightly toothed, slender and more clustered stems, with about 6 angles. Flowers bell-shaped, 2.5 cm in diameter, w spotted red on lobes. Half shade in Summer. Slightly branched cutting Slightly bramched rooted cutting

~~Stems square in section, toothed, grey-green spotted with red, creeping or procumbent. Flowers 3-4 cm in size, plain brown-red in this variety. Native to Tanzania. cutting rooteed cutting

This is a clumping species with erect, 5-angular stems 3-6.5 cm long. The flowers, in groups of 3, are bell-shaped, brown-pink in colour, with a fleshy tube. The corolla lobes are lighter and densely verrucose. Very beautiful because of the flower colour. Cutting  Rooted cutting 

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Apios americana (Fabaceae)

Deciduous climber with tuberous roots. Stems twining. Leaves trifoliate, with ovate lobes. Dense axillary inflorescences. Flowers pea-like,...

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Echidnopsis x hybrida VC5 (Apocynaceae)

 This hybrid was obtained in our nursery from Echidnopsis chrysantha. Stems longer and stronger than in E. chrysantha. Bristles shorter...

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Hoya carnosa (Apocynaceae)

~~Climber with succulent and elliptical leaves. Very beautiful pendulous umbels with withe-pink, succulent and velvety flowers. Not very...

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Duvalia caespitosa x Huernia zebrina (Apocynaceae)

Interspecific hybrid characterized by short and stocky stems of a soft green color, a little reddened, with short tubercles. Flowers 3-4 cm...

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Dianthus plumarius (Dianthus lumnitzeri) (Caryophyllaceae)

~~Herbaceous perennial, up to 40 cm high, cushion-shaped. Leaves narrow, glaucous-green, pointed. Flowers large, scented, solitary. Petals...

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Huernia echidnopsioides W Patensie, S. Africa (Apocynaceae)

Stems round in section, finely covered with low square tubercles, similar to the echidnopsis ones, about 1 cm in diameter, 5-7 cm long,...

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