Apios americana (Fabaceae)
Deciduous climber with tuberous roots. Stems twining. Leaves trifoliate, with ovate lobes. Dense axillary inflorescences. Flowers pea-like,...
Echidnopsis x hybrida VC5 (Apocynaceae)
This hybrid was obtained in our nursery from Echidnopsis chrysantha. Stems longer and stronger than in E. chrysantha. Bristles shorter...
Hoya carnosa (Apocynaceae)
~~Climber with succulent and elliptical leaves. Very beautiful pendulous umbels with withe-pink, succulent and velvety flowers. Not very...
Duvalia caespitosa x Huernia zebrina (Apocynaceae)
Interspecific hybrid characterized by short and stocky stems of a soft green color, a little reddened, with short tubercles. Flowers 3-4 cm...
Dianthus plumarius (Dianthus lumnitzeri) (Caryophyllaceae)
~~Herbaceous perennial, up to 40 cm high, cushion-shaped. Leaves narrow, glaucous-green, pointed. Flowers large, scented, solitary. Petals...
Huernia echidnopsioides W Patensie, S. Africa (Apocynaceae)
Stems round in section, finely covered with low square tubercles, similar to the echidnopsis ones, about 1 cm in diameter, 5-7 cm long,...